Profil:   7306  

Land Germany
By Dortmund
Fødselsdato 1976-09-28
Højde 160
Vægt 54
Sprog engelsk - flydende, tysk - flydende
Job type læge
Partnerstatus ugift
Børn 1
Uddannelse videregående
Rygning ikke ryger
Kontakt @

Om mig

Personlighed :     pålidelig, venlig, feminin, sjov, aktiv, målrettet, høflig, stabil, optimismistisk

Mine interesser :     elsker at lave mad, friluftsliv, naturen, lange ture langs stranden, gåture i skoven, svømning, god musik, en tur i biffen, kunst, elsker at rejse, sport, design, elsker at læse, fremmede sprog, elsker børn, en romantisk middag med levende lys

Mere om mig :     My name is Olga. I live in the town of Iserlohn (it is not far from Dortmund). I have a highly medical education and I have a minijob her in Germany. I love and know how to create the warmth of the family hearth. I love to travel, an active lifestyle, walks in nature, the sea, the sun, the mountains. Of the sports, I prefer running, fitness, long walks in nature, skiing. I love to grow flowers. I can treat you to culinary delicacies from Slavic cuisine. I have a 14-year-old son. His name is Edward. He is very inquisitive and loves to study. He is a good programmer, plays the piano, loves mathematics and physics. The child is open and does not mind his mother's happiness. He will happily meet a worthy partner with serious intentions in our small family.

Om dig

Jeg søger en mand i alderen :     45-60

Børn :     ingen hindring

Du er :     flink, ansvarlig, familiemenneske, stabil